Storygram 29

The street lamps shone and the moon wasn't there,

And the cold wind blew with the cold cold air.

A haunting silence crept in in this eerie affair,

The solemn steps passed, mutely, in their lair.

The path was rarely trodden on at night time. The seclusion of the scene captivated the few who sought a distraction from the bustle of.

Indeed, the shadowy path provided the solace that some desired.

19 Apr 2019
Storygram 28

It's bricks and stones and that's all it is.

He had been here countless times and wondered what attracted all these tourists to this ruinous fort. He had seen thousands of new faces every day. Faces of different colors, different ages, and different races. Where these faces came from, he didn't know. But all the faces had the similar expression of awe for the ancient monument. The boy, like many others there, sold traditional souvenirs. But unlike others he dared to dream of getting away from t...

12 Apr 2019
Storygram 27

Being an octogenarian had taken a toll on his body. His knees were weak, back stooped and arms frail, but he still managed to join his hands for a heartfelt prayer at the Madurai temple. The memories of when he would come to this very temple with his grandfather are foggy, but he distinctly remembers the last time his grandfather accompanied him. From that day forth, his father used to walk him here. Through his thick-lensed spectacles, he looks upon at the idols of the gods he has obediently pr...

5 Apr 2019
Storygram 26

Though animals cannot express their feelings linguistically, they express their emotions through actions. The two goats, bound with ropes, stand timidly in scorching heat. They care for each other and their affection is shown with their actions. Despite the fact that they are bound, they support each other.

29 Mar 2019
Storygram 25

A woman plays many roles in a family – daughter, sister, wife, and mother – throughout her life, always prioritizing others before her. A mother's care is the purest form of love, while a sister's support is unparalleled. A daughter whose parents' eyes gleam with pride, and a wife whose sacrifices are the backbone of a family. A woman is many shades but not a hue of weakness. Her poise expresses both dignity and grace even in the harshest situations, and that's what defines her.

Happy Women's d...

8 Mar 2019
Storygram 24

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make it a better place

For you and for me

2 Mar 2019
Storygram 23

She was frantically searching through a list of 42 names

and reading the name beside number 39,

she was plunged in a cloud of despair,

her heart wrenching with pain,

blurred images danced in front of her teary eyes-

'All dressed in his uniform. Oh her handsome man!

With a backpack on his shoulder he left and never looked back.

And how she waved him goodbye little knowing that it shall be her last.'

While her friends were busy celebrating the day of love

Her husband also lay his ultimate sacrif...

15 Feb 2019
Storygram 22

The Bofors Howitzer stood strong in all its glory, and in front it stood two people. The little boy was in absolute awe of the grandiosity of the machine. The giant wheels and the extended barrel left him in wonder. His grandfather had felt the exact same stream of emotions some thirty years ago when he first operated on the beast. It was a long time ago, but being in the presence of the Howitzer again had sent him down the memory lane. He smiled as he remembered some of the most cherished momen...

10 Feb 2019